Orchestrate the Future

Support the Heartbeat of Our Orchestra

As we embrace the transformative power of this season, we find inspiration in the harmonious spirit that defines our musical community. We are excited to unveil our Orchestrate our Future campaign — a vibrant call to action to empower and sustain the future of our cherished Kendall Square Orchestra.

Striking a Chord for Change: A Goal of $30,000
In pursuit of excellence and innovation, we have set an ambitious goal to raise $30,000, a sum that will ensure the ongoing vibrancy and vitality of our orchestra. We are calling upon each of you, our dedicated members, to play your part, aiming to contribute or raise $500 each. Your participation can take many forms, from personal donations and engaging your personal network, to tapping into your employer’s charitable giving programs.

How You Can Contribute:

  1. Personal Philanthropy: Make a direct impact with your personal contribution.

  2. Network of Notes: Encourage friends and family to join our musical mission.

  3. Corporate Crescendo: Boost your contribution through employer matching programs.

The Kendall Square Orchestra is a tapestry of talent, and every thread—every member— plays a critical part. Achieving 100% participation is our goal, and we believe in the power of each individual’s contribution, no matter the size, to create a symphony of support.

Your generous contributions will directly fuel the energy, passion, and operational needs of our regular season, ensuring that we continue to provide a space for musical excellence and community connection.

We are more than an orchestra; we are a community united by our love for music and our commitment to artistic brilliance. Your support is the heartbeat of our ensemble, the melody that moves us forward, propelling us into a future resounding with passion and purpose.

We can't do it without you!

See the Score: Impact Breakdown

Dive into the details and discover how your contribution plays a vital role in the symphony of our success

Donate Today!

Other ways to give

Crowdfund support from family and friends on facebook! Click on the following button to get started and follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the button above.

  2. Set a goal to fundraise towards (recommended amount is $500)

  3. Set an end date for the fundraiser (recommended end date is Dec 31st)

  4. Click on “create” at the bottom and then share with your family/friends on facebook!

Check with your employer for any matching programs and charitable giving benefits!

If you need any support or have any questions, feel free to contact us at team@kendallsquareorchestra.org